French Bread Delicious Recipe

The name baguette was first given to this bread in the 16th Century by a French general on a visit to Spain. France was then allies with Spain, Italy and Portugal.

French bread baking is a different technique than the one you will learn at the bakery. The first step for beginners is to combine the flour water, yeast, raisins, and butter in a bowl. After that, they add the salt and butter. Mix all ingredients together until well combined. Then, place the mixture in the oven.


  • 2 1/2 cups hot water
  • 2 tablespoons shortening
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons instant bread yeast
  • 6 1/2 cups all-purpose flour


1. In a large bowl, add hot water.

2. 2.Add the shortening and salt to the sugar.

3. Let stand at room temperature for 30 seconds.

4. Sprinkle yeast on everything

5. Beat until smooth.

6. 3. Add 3 cups flour to the bowl and mix until combined.

7. 2. Use a wooden spoon to stir flour into the mixture.

8. Continue to knead flour for the remaining 1-1/2 cups until it becomes no longer sticky. This should take about 3 minutes.

9. Cover and let stand for 30 minutes

10. Place on floured board.

11. Make a rectangle.

12. Divide lengthwise in half.

13. Each strip should be rolled lengthwise. 14. Use your hands to gently rock back and forth

You want the loaf to be of the right length.

15. Lightly grease a baking sheet or use French loaf bread pans.

16. Cover and allow to stand for 25 minutes.

17. Cut diagonal slashes across bread about 1/4″ deep. 18. Preheat oven and pour boiling water onto large.

cookie sheet to fill.

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